As global obstacles to commerce have been removed, more and more companies are seeking opportunities overseas in order to expand their operations beyond their borders. For several companies it is a matter of survival, while for others it is an expansion vehicle. In NORTHCERT, we operate as Export Marketing advisors and give you solutions that are fully customized to your own needs.
Our direct involvement as a member in the Greek International Business Association (S.E.V.E), the Arab-Hellenic Chamber Of Commerce & Development and other organizations is a tangible indication of our expertise in Export Marketing.
NORTHCERTis in the position to provide answers to crucial questions, such as:
- What markets to target to?
- Are necessary any product modifications for it to succeed overseas?
- How can a clientele be developed in each country?
- How can a company penetrate the foreign market?
- How its products should be positioned?
Indicative services that we offer:
- Company's evaluation of its readiness for exporting.
- Composition of exports and actions plan.
- Organization and / or adjustment of sales and marketing departments to exporting mentality.
- Research-Analysis-Definition of target markets.
- Adjustment of product portfolio to every target market.
- Determination of commercial and pricing policies.
- Training / adaptation of sales and marketing managers for the development of exporting mentality.
- Design and implementation of promotion strategies for every target market.